Strap yourselves in, music lovers, because Glied’s debut EP, “Gone Viral,” is a sonic blast of pure brilliance

Glied, a rising star in the electronic music scene, is the new side-project of the renowned Berlin-based DJane Exildiscount, recognized for her sharp taste in underground electronic music.

From the opening hypnotic warmth of “Svp3rm4nspr34d3r”  to the closer’s fade-out of the second track “Careful with That .Exe Eugene“, Glied takes you on a wild ride that blends genres and defies expectations.

Svp3rm4nspr34d3r” is a masterclass in building tension and release. The track starts with a strangely comforting drone that quickly gets laced with aggressive, distorted elements. It’s a sonic paradox that somehow works, creating a captivating soundscape that keeps you hooked. From the opening distorted hum to the final breakdown, the song is a masterclass in warped electronic soundscapes and infectious rhythms. This song is a testament to Glied’s ability to blend artistic exploration with undeniable musicality. “Svp3rm4nspr34d3r” is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates innovative electronic music that pushes boundaries without sacrificing accessibility.

The second track “Careful with That .Exe Eugene” is a glitching gem that burrows into your brain and won’t let go.

Where ’Svp3rm4nspr34d3r’ is a goofy mishmash of superman, super spreader, and manspreader, ‘Careful with that .exe Eugene’ was just my computer age take on a Pink Floyd b-side’s name.


“Gone Viral” is more than just an EP; it’s a statement. It’s a testament to Glied’s unique sound and their commitment to artistic exploration. This is music that pushes boundaries and demands attention.

Do yourself a favor and support this incredible new project! Head over to @bandcamp, @beatport, @spotify and all the stores and services via @unboxing_shadows and grab your copy of “Gone Viral” today. You won’t regret experiencing Glied’s infectious music firsthand.

Remember, by supporting independent artists like Glied, you’re helping to shape the future of music. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something special!